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40 free fonts for professional design
Smashing magazine has a great list of free fonts available for download on their site.
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How many tags does your website have?
Cool tool that will count how many tags you have and tell you if they are closed or not. Not exactly useful by itself, but kind of interesting to see how many of each kind of tag your web site has.
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Screen readers sometimes announce display: none contents
Roger talks about how screen readers don't always ignore the display: none property.
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Random Free Vectors: Stars
Bitt Box has some more free vectors, this time they have a bunch of stars.
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100 Unconventional Sources Of Web Design Inspiration
Inspirational article from Design Vitality
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Gradual Element Fader
A generic fader script to make elements gradually fade into view when the mouse rolls over them.
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WebKit Introduces Transitions
WebKit continues to add actionscript-like functionality to its style sheet arsenal with the addition of transitions.
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Beginning CSS Web Development
Gareth Rushgrove checks out Simon Collison's comprehensive guide to CSS, published by Apress.
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CSS Express Drop-Down Menus
A PVII solution that will help you produce a quick menu without some of the limitations found in some other "pure" CSS menus
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Graceful Email Obfuscation
A List Apart talks about methods that you can use on your web site to hide your email address from spam bots.